Tag Archives: Yielding to the Holy Spirit

Remembering to Yield


Remembering to Yield

I’m just going to bluntly throw it out there…here in our large city, our drivers have a solid reputation for not using their turn signal and not yielding. I can hear you dear citizens, giggling in agreement! With mercy, I interject that I’m aware that we all sometimes forget to do these things. Our reputation was probably built more on the actions of those who habitually drive in this manner. We’ve all witnessed the speed racers, starting in the far left lane only to zoom around and through many law abiding drivers in order to make the next exit at the minimum speed of 70 mph. On his website, Peter Rhebergen posts his sermon called, “Yield to Jesus”. My Scripture references are taken from this text.

Are you like me and sometimes get bogged down with what is in front of you? Long delays, unanswered prayer, the mystery of a Sovereign God? Are you a committed believer who recognizes the difference between your world view and your loved one’s world view? Have you, like me, stumbled over your own desires only to see God is firmly surrounding you with His? Before temptation has it’s way with you and me, I am halted by James 1:24 PH ” but let…the process go on until that endurance is fully developed and you become people of mature character, people of integrity, with no weak spots.”

So there it is. My ‘flesh’, my old corruptable nature threatens to stage a coup and overtake the Spirit, in other words, my ‘weak spots”. And we all have them don’t we? James 4:13-15 I read … you ought to say “If…it is the ‘Lords’ will, we will live and do this or that” (emphasis mine). Peter Rhebergen writes ( his meaning is obviously that our best plans are not those which are made with an abundance of counselors or great human wisdom but our best plans are those which are built upon our faith in God and which are subject to His will.” His ways are not ‘our’ ways. If I decide to ‘ignore’ the speed limit signs, and make up my own rules of the road, will I and those around me assuredly get to our destination? How can our ways be better than an all knowing, all wise God? And here’s the bottom line, God will… accomplish that which He purposes. Left to our own devices we have a fantastic way of taking off only to crash and burn. For those of us who are following after God, who want to do His will and want His Kingdom to come on this earth, we are continually required to ‘yield’. Dying daily, to our carnal nature. Allowing…Christ to love others through us. The unlovely, the disrespectful. Allowing “His” will to be done, not ours”. Enduring the pain to witness the gain. This requires us yielding to His power at work in us, yielding to the Holy Spirit.

Peter Rhebergen asks, “What does it take to yield to Jesus?” Faith. Just a mustard seed of… faith. Having the assurance that nothing can happen to us as individuals or in the whole universe, that is beyond the power of God’s control. The assurance that whatever happens, God will do what is best for you and me.

Be encouraged today that as you yield to the Lord, it is… the BEST option. It is not the ‘fleshly’ option we so often want to believe is the best answer but rather, that His will and His way will be for our best and His glory. By faith we know, He can do exceedingly and abundantly more! More… than ‘we’ can think or imagine. The pursuits of my flesh are nothing in comparison to a loving, unlimited, powerful God. Do you believe in His ability to do this in your life? God promises…your faith will be greatly rewarded! Amen!

Father, enable us to understand, how following You and submitting to Your will and not ours, is the best choice we can possbily make. I pray you give my brothers and sisters in Christ, new empowerment and new victory in this area and help them Lord to remember to yield. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!

My thanks to Peter Rhebergen. I encourage you to visit his wonderful website http://www.eachnewday.com