Monthly Archives: February 2015

5 Ways To Avoid Your Own Valentine’s Day Massacre


Great truths ❤

john pavlovitz

Ahhhhh… Do you smell that?

It’s that magical time of year again; when massive, heart-shaped boxes of overpriced chocolates line the entry way to every supermarket, drug store and gas station; when renegade roadside stands of roses shoot up like springtime driveway crabgrass; when restaurants, jewelers, and car dealers all leap wildly from their respective corners, breathlessly salivating in anticipation of the oncoming emotional Armageddon:

Valentine’s Day.

Chances are, a good deal of you reading this will soon find yourself somewhere along the continuum of those whose hearts and wallets will be hijacked by Hallmark; crushed beneath the weight of candy-coated affection and store-bought closeness.

As a service, I’d like to offer a few tips to help you retain some sanity and dignity, as this most holy day of relational obligation approaches. 

Whether you’re attached, estranged, alone, (or some odd combination of the three), here’s how you might avoid disaster this week:

1) Don’t overcompensate, financially or emotionally.

If you’re…

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