Monthly Archives: September 2011

Have You Ever Wondered What A Hug From God Feels Like?


When was the last time you shared a good, long, satisfying hug with someone? A few days? A few months? Not a hugger? Really great hugs can be hard to come by sometimes. I’m referring to the ones that are intentional and sincere and usually someone we know pretty well.  Altogether, it’s been thirty seven years since my mothers’ passing, twelve since my divorce and two since my sister in law’s passing.  Other than the joyful smatterings of hugs from small children, my adult children and friends,  it seems like it’s been a long time since I’ve had a good, soul satisfying hug. If you’ve heard the same numbers I have, they report that we need a least four hugs a day just to survive and twelve hugs a day in order to grow. If this is true, then I think they’d have to say that I’ve been stricken by a drought! Not unlike our Texas weather this year, we went nine months with nothing but a few raindrops. It’s been a bad drought, the worst drought conditions I’ve seen in all my thirty eight years of living here. It’s the first time I’ve witnessed wild fires erupting all around us and destroying homes. Just like the lack of rain, the lack of physical touch and general fellowship at times has threatened to make my knees buckle and has caused me to cry, “Uncle!” Cry, “Uncle!” or “Fire!” somehow, in Gods great mercy and goodness I have still continued to grow despite this season of  emotional drought.

Last Saturday night, I had one of those knee buckling moments. I was feeling rather solitary, so I crawled in bed, embraced my pillow and cried/prayed my request to God. “Lord! I could use a good hug! Fire!” Several years back, I believed God when He spoke to my heart and said that someone special was in my future. It’s been a long wait in the ‘not yet’ zone. And apparently , the ‘not yet zone’ is now a fire zone as well.   Yes, I’m one of those crazy, ‘believers’ who is trusting and believing God for this and many other things. It’s not always a comfortable place to reside but I am also not convinced there is a better place.

The next morning was a Sunday morning and God decided something. At that moment in the church service, I was not thinking  about God’s promises being fulfilled for myself but rather, who could ‘I’ find to give a warm hug to. Everybody was matched up, until I turned back towards my seat and I saw Mary standing before me with a steady , warm smile, arms outstretched. She embraced me passionately, speaking softly into my ear as she simultaneously prayed and cried, all the while holding me tightly.  As the emotion dissipated, and the embrace was released, I knew that it wasn’t just Mary who had been holding me. God was giving me a wonderful heartfelt hug. Wow.

Thank you my dear sister,  for allowing Him to touch your heart on my behalf, for being His arms that day, the answer to my hearts cry. I really needed that. It was a fresh revelation of what God’s  hug feels like… strong and sure and compassionate.

Prayer of Thanksgiving:  Thank you Father, for hearing our cries! Thank you for your people who have their ears open to Your voice, their hearts set to obey your instructions and their bodies ready to embrace those You bring to them. This is the pure, unadulterated ministry of Your body and I rejoice in its life. May I too, be Your hands and feet, heart and mind, ready to show another how much You love them. And Lord, we lift up all the families who have lost their homes and possessions in the fires, tornadoes and floods this year. Show each of us what we can do to help them. In Jesus precious name. Amen and Amen.  ((((HUGZ))))