Category Archives: Insight

Today Your Dad, A Friend


To all the Dads out there, who are ‘hands on’ and involved with your children’s lives, who are loving and supportive, I stand and applaud you!!! I hope you know, how truly special, and important and rare you are! I hope that you are surrounded by love and support and encouragement and are receiving all the respect and honor you deserve. We’ve never met, yet, I know you are out there, and I thank God for you.

Many years ago, I was confronted with my own blindness. For about eighteen years prior to that time I had built quite a case against my father. I had front row seats to his shortcomings and failings. I saw how his behavior hurt my mother, her sister, angered his first born, cripple my other brother, and wound me so deeply, it took a supernatural power just to remove the layer of debris that covered it all.

I could recall in detail his movements and words and even the moment my “Daddy” fell off of the pedestal I labeled, “Hero”. I sat all of eight years old in his lap, having my face ‘scrubbed’ by his coarse prickly beard. This was suppose to be funny and affectionate, but for me it was painful and insensitive. I was brought to the hospital where he was recouping having drunkenly driven into a telephone pole the day before. I imagined that his beard was comprised of the splinters from that pole. One night, my parents argued, my father left and I was led to my mothers ’67 Chevy Impala in order to drive to some mysterious bar and spy on him. Another covert mission found his car parked at an X rated theatre downtown. It disgusted me to my core and I felt anger in defense of my sweet mother. The pedestal was throughly dust.

There was always an atmosphere of loneliness, anxiety and anger in my childhood home. My mother, a painter and seamstress,sewed away her days in this suburban prison. She always seemed to be ‘somewhere else’ perhaps deep in thought of the life she could’ve had apart from our father.

In 1974 my mother passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. It devastated my brothers and I. A week after her funeral, a cheap affair and a military plot, my father stumbled into our apartment after a night on the town with a strange woman. At the end of that school year my father moved to another city and we parted ways. I could not imagine another minute with him.

My dear brother Joey, was taught by him to drink beer starting at age 12 and became my father’s drinking buddy. He moved onto marijuana and other substances but by age 47, it was actually the nicotine that killed him. My older brother Vic was a business owner, workaholic, and inherited my mother’s good sense of humor but my father’s bad temper. As his daughter, I missed the swing of the belt fueled by his anger several times and once endured a tongue lashing and name calling that no fifteen year old deserves. The man terrified me. Something I took with me until he passed away in 1988.

So, when the two ladies I was praying with told me, I needed to repent, it came as a blow. I felt so justified in my hatred of him. Clearly, he had affected each of us in the worst ways possible. But as the Holy Spirit impressed their minds, they showed me in Scripture where God requires that we honor our father and our mother. By the amazing grace of God, I was able to repent of my hatred of him that day. I wrote a song called, “The Day my Dad Became my Friend”. I was honored to be able to sing it for our women’s group at church. Hearts were touched, tears fell, healing came.

It was an act I had to walk out many times. Forgiving him for the pain he caused, the healthy relationship my siblings and I never had with him. Asking God to forgive me for my hatred of him.

We grow older, and we discover our weaknesses are so similar to our parents, and we can finally say, “we understand now”. We gain insight and mercy as we face our own shortcomings.

Miraculously, as a young 8 eight year old swinging on my swing set in the back yard, I sang my songs to God. I was not born again yet, but somehow I knew God was real. There in the midst of loneliness and sadness, I knew my God was real, faithful and loving, all the things I never felt with my earthly father. And it was more than just a believing in order to escape my own disappointment. I knew God was not like my father. I thank God for anchoring me in the knowledge of His exsistence.

This Fathers Day, my earnest prayer is that you will feel the closeness of your Creator, the love of your Savior and everlasting arms of your heavenly Father. May the balm of Gilead warm your heart and heal the wounded places. To the only One I know that can do that kind of miracle… in Jesus Name I pray, Amen and Amen.

Wishing you a happy and joyous Father’s Day! ❤

Remembering to Yield


Remembering to Yield

I’m just going to bluntly throw it out there…here in our large city, our drivers have a solid reputation for not using their turn signal and not yielding. I can hear you dear citizens, giggling in agreement! With mercy, I interject that I’m aware that we all sometimes forget to do these things. Our reputation was probably built more on the actions of those who habitually drive in this manner. We’ve all witnessed the speed racers, starting in the far left lane only to zoom around and through many law abiding drivers in order to make the next exit at the minimum speed of 70 mph. On his website, Peter Rhebergen posts his sermon called, “Yield to Jesus”. My Scripture references are taken from this text.

Are you like me and sometimes get bogged down with what is in front of you? Long delays, unanswered prayer, the mystery of a Sovereign God? Are you a committed believer who recognizes the difference between your world view and your loved one’s world view? Have you, like me, stumbled over your own desires only to see God is firmly surrounding you with His? Before temptation has it’s way with you and me, I am halted by James 1:24 PH ” but let…the process go on until that endurance is fully developed and you become people of mature character, people of integrity, with no weak spots.”

So there it is. My ‘flesh’, my old corruptable nature threatens to stage a coup and overtake the Spirit, in other words, my ‘weak spots”. And we all have them don’t we? James 4:13-15 I read … you ought to say “If…it is the ‘Lords’ will, we will live and do this or that” (emphasis mine). Peter Rhebergen writes ( his meaning is obviously that our best plans are not those which are made with an abundance of counselors or great human wisdom but our best plans are those which are built upon our faith in God and which are subject to His will.” His ways are not ‘our’ ways. If I decide to ‘ignore’ the speed limit signs, and make up my own rules of the road, will I and those around me assuredly get to our destination? How can our ways be better than an all knowing, all wise God? And here’s the bottom line, God will… accomplish that which He purposes. Left to our own devices we have a fantastic way of taking off only to crash and burn. For those of us who are following after God, who want to do His will and want His Kingdom to come on this earth, we are continually required to ‘yield’. Dying daily, to our carnal nature. Allowing…Christ to love others through us. The unlovely, the disrespectful. Allowing “His” will to be done, not ours”. Enduring the pain to witness the gain. This requires us yielding to His power at work in us, yielding to the Holy Spirit.

Peter Rhebergen asks, “What does it take to yield to Jesus?” Faith. Just a mustard seed of… faith. Having the assurance that nothing can happen to us as individuals or in the whole universe, that is beyond the power of God’s control. The assurance that whatever happens, God will do what is best for you and me.

Be encouraged today that as you yield to the Lord, it is… the BEST option. It is not the ‘fleshly’ option we so often want to believe is the best answer but rather, that His will and His way will be for our best and His glory. By faith we know, He can do exceedingly and abundantly more! More… than ‘we’ can think or imagine. The pursuits of my flesh are nothing in comparison to a loving, unlimited, powerful God. Do you believe in His ability to do this in your life? God promises…your faith will be greatly rewarded! Amen!

Father, enable us to understand, how following You and submitting to Your will and not ours, is the best choice we can possbily make. I pray you give my brothers and sisters in Christ, new empowerment and new victory in this area and help them Lord to remember to yield. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!

My thanks to Peter Rhebergen. I encourage you to visit his wonderful website

The Three Caterpillars


The caterpillar slowly inched his way up the skinny stalk. You couldn’t tell by his stride, but he was on a mission! At the top of a branch was a huge canopy, a bright green, broad leaf with thin red lines coursing throughout. Pushing and pushing the little guy wiggled up and down closer. He was so hungry, he could only think of how wonderful the plant would taste and how good it would feel to have a full belly.

Carmie dreamed of the day he would find his Mrs Caterpillar. He hoped to settle down beneath the shady canopies and one day have some little larval. It was all he ever really desired, a loving mate and playful children.Day after day passed and as he did his daily work. He daydreamed of one day finally sprouting wings and being able to fly. Surely, there had to be so much more in the land. He sipped cool water that came from the morning dew and as far open as his tiny jaws would go, he gobbled up his dinner. It wasn’t long before he met his mate, one morning at a puddle, where the rain had just fallen. He found her to be fascinating. She had patterns on her skin that he had never seen before (kind of like this new plant) and she had a way of talking with him that melted his sweet little insect heart. The two were married in a quiet ceremony. Life was good with so much wonderful promise.

As the afternoon sun poured down upon the leaves of the jungle, Celeste noticed that Carmie had stopped moving up the branch. She scampered up behind him and spoke to him softly…”Carmie…are you okay? Can I bring you some water from below?” Carmie said nothing and did not move. Mrs. Caterpillar was now very concerned. She wiggled down the branch as fast as she could, calling for Carmie’s best friend, Caney. Finally she reached his place. “Caney!” she called, with great urgency. Repeatedly she called out for him. It seemed like a million minutes had passed before Caney appeared.

Caney and the Mrs. moved as fast as they could to Carmie. Up, up, up the skinny branch to their friend,  but Caney could find no pulse.  By this time, others had arrived to lend a hand to carry Carmie safely to the ground. His eyes were closed , his heartbeat silent. Later that evening they held a memorial for the bright, ambitious insect. Everyone took turns speaking softly and lovingly to Celeste, hugging her gently.  Two days later, another Mrs. could be heard calling for help. Celeste recognized the voice and hurried to her friend’s covering only to find Celestes’ hubby still, and his eyes closed. Soon after, the elders of the Caterpillars gathered to discuss the odd events of these two magnificent creatures. “Why do you think they have died?” “Was it from natural causes, or could it have been something else?” Just then, Jonathan  the caterpillar, a young energetic lad, came crashing through the leaves from above,  landing with a thud on the ground, right  in the center of the group. This was becoming too much to bear as they soon realized he too was not moving.

This had now become a grave matter. Jonathan’s family  and friends hurried to their loved one. Surrounding  him they wept.  Andrew, a very wise older caterpillar, scratched his head, and kept looking back and forth at the sky above him.  Celeste wondered what he could be thinking about. “What is it Andrew, tell us!” Andrew walked confidently to the center of the group and then exhaled, beginning his explanation with great gentleness.” Ladies and gentlemen, I believe I know what happened. All three caterpillars had one thing in common. They each ate from that new, bright green leaf”.

One young caterpillar remarked, “Well, yes, of course…Mr Carmie would stop by to chat a while. Having just come from dinner, he was so enthusiastic about this new plant that he found to eat. He was such a convincing  salesman! He would weave a story that left no room for debate. He used words to describe the taste that we have never heard before! This new food supply would enable him to spin a lovely silk cocoon. He was so looking forward to unfolding his new beautiful wings, and providing for his wife and children”. The other two, Jonathan and Brian joined Carmie the next time he went to the plant. It all seemed very cool. What looked so attractive and had promised so much, had stolen the life of these creatures right from underneath them.

Celeste and Priscilla were now alone and very sad in the days that followed. Their hopes to blossom and spread their wings and fly, and their strong desires for offspring seemed long gone. The other caterpillars rejected them, somehow blaming them for the demise of their spouses. Months went by and Celeste and Prissy became close friends. They did finally emerge transformed with big, beautiful bright wings and flittering  about as they pleased, all over the kingdom, drinking  nectar from any flower they desired. They were daily reminded of their loss seeing the scar over their hearts, and yet they found new strength to continue pursuing all the possibilities of the kingdom.

Authors note:

What looks so beautiful and promises so much, we must be careful to think carefully and slowly before partaking in it. What appears helpful may actually be poisoning you, stealing your dreams and breaking your loved ones hearts. That ‘thing’ or person you think you need or love so much might in fact be the very thing that will end your life. If you were to ask yourself…”What am I  ‘taking in’  that could be actually be hurting me?”  If you give yourself permission to look at yourself earnestly, it can change your life for the better. So much better.  You deserve it and your loved ones deserve it.

Run my friend! Run as fast as you can, away from that thing or person, as fast as you can and go where you believe you will find help. It could be a caring friend, it could be woman’s shelter, it could be a drug addiction recovery center. Wherever it is, run…do not walk. When you are alone, talk to God. His arms are open wide, no matter how dirty or bad you feel, He accepts you just as you are. He ‘truly’ loves you and is an ever present help in time of trouble.  He’s done everything necessary to transform your life. Call out to Jesus and He will show you the Way. Go quickly now… your life IS worth saving…you are loved..hurry now, before your eyes close and your body is still.